- 817-297-3426
- Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 5:00

It is okay to ask for help. I asked, and it changed my life. Let me pay that forward to you. Let’s build this together.
Shelita Woods
About Shelita...
Ms. Woods is the visionary, founder and owner of Anchor Way Senior Care Consulting & Placement, she has provided personalized, affordable, and compassionate elder care for over sixteen years. Her commitment to enhancing the lives of seniors has earned her a reputation as a leader in the industry. Following the success of her first book, From My Eyes: Anchor Your Way to A Successful Elder Care Business.
Ms. Woods emerged as a passionate advocate for restoring dignity in elder care, emphasizing the importance of a small-scale approach that benefits both individuals and business outcomes.
She now shares her knowledge and experience with aspiring entrepreneurs across the Dallas-Fort Worth area, teaching best practices and proven tactics to help bring their dreams of senior living facilities to life
Consultation is more than talk. It’s action plans, resources, and support from day one.
Contact Shelita today for end-to-end consultation, master classes, one-on-one coaching, training, and business development.
- Access tools, templates, formulas, and documented practices attract clients and produce revenue.
- Increase your business IQ fast with easy solutions for efficient operations, processes, and administration.
- Keep costs low and revenue high with clear direction, air-tight budgets, and avenues for funding.
- Move faster and avoid common pitfalls with practical advice and toolkits you can’t get in school.
- Find the best location for your business through our exclusive network of contacts and real estate partners.
Elder care is a growing industry. DFW is booming, and the journey starts now.